Proposal: Getting the hell out of the dodgeball game (trivial)
If "Proposal: Getting the hell out of Dodge" passes, append the following to the end of the paragraph it added:
[This seemed more appropriate to me than giving the title to the one with the highest health or having them fight to the death, which were the other two solutions I came up with.]
Passed 10 to 0 by Brendan at 3:23 pm GMT on 5.24.2004. +2 to Ornithopter, +1 to Brendan.
In the event that there is a tie for highest rank, the Computer will decide which one of the tied Crew Members may declare victory.
[This seemed more appropriate to me than giving the title to the one with the highest health or having them fight to the death, which were the other two solutions I came up with.]

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