Proposal: Carrer Advancement, Mark II
Add to the end of Rule entitled "Ranks":
I think that covers all the previous concerns; I'd just like to thank everyone who made recommendations. They were excellent points that needed to be covered.
Passed 9 to 0 by Brendan at 4:04 pm GMT on 5.21.2004. +10 to Axiallus, +2 to Brendan.
At any time, the Captain, First Officer, or Computer may choose to switch the ranks of two Crew Members such that there is no more than one of any rank other than Ensign; this must be announced with a post to the Blog entitled "Post Reassignment". However, this action requires the unanimous agreement of the Captain, First Officer, and Computer, to be signified by posting a "For" reply to the post within 72 hours of the post. If any of the three parties vote "Against" the post reassignment, or if 72 hours passes without garnering the required votes, the reassignment does not occur. If the Captain or Computer desires a post reassignment of the First Officer, the unanimous agreement of the Computer and all non-ensigns and non-mascots must be obtained, save the First Officer, in the above manner, with the same 72 hour time limit; if any of the parties whose agreement is needed vote "Against" the reassignment or the 72 hours elapses without gathering all needed votes, the reassignment does not occur. If the First Officer or Computer desires a post reassignment of the Captain, the unanimous agreement of all Crew Members, save the Captain, must be obtained, in the above manner, with the 72 hour time limit; if any Crew Member other than the Captain votes "Against" the reassignment, or if the 72 hours passes without gaining all required votes, the reassignment does not occur. The Computer may not be reassigned.
I think that covers all the previous concerns; I'd just like to thank everyone who made recommendations. They were excellent points that needed to be covered.

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