Proposal: Ghosts of Mars
Change the title of Rule 14 to Possession?. Delete rule 20 and append its contents to Rule 14. Change all instances of the term 'a Saboteur', 'Saboteur', and 'Saboteurs' to 'Possessed'.
Add the following to Rule 19: Of The Apes -
Create a new rule, entitled Psyphon:
Add the following to Rule 14, Possession:
Add the following to the description of the Phaser in Rule 16: Tools:
In Rule 17, Transfers, add ", or put in custody," after the word "fainted" in the following:
I bet you people miss me whan I'm away.
Failed 2 to 9 by Brendan at 1:56 pm GMT on 5.24.2004. -3 to Josh, +1 to Brendan.
Add the following to Rule 19: Of The Apes -
The Planet can use the disembodied souls of its dead inhabitants to Possess any Crew member. The Planet must email the Computer with his intent to possess the crew member. The Computer must then reduce The Planet's Health equal to the health of the target crew member at the time of possession, to a minimum of 10 Health, modified by the number (randomly generated, between -15 and +15) shown by clicking here. He must then email the former Crew Member to notify them that they have been Possessed.
Create a new rule, entitled Psyphon:
Once per day, the Planet may reduce the Computer's amount of LowGrade Fuel by an amount equal to the number of Possessed crew members who are not in custody.
Add the following to Rule 14, Possession:
If the number of Possessed Crew Members not in custody ever exceeds the number of unpossessed Crew Members, then any Possessed Crew Member may declare victory for the Planet. The Computer is destroyed, and the dynasty ends with no clear winner.
Add the following to the description of the Phaser in Rule 16: Tools:
If the Planet tries to possess a Crew Member holding a phaser, it costs them double the amount of Health it would do otherwise.
In Rule 17, Transfers, add ", or put in custody," after the word "fainted" in the following:
If the supervising Officer is fainted at anytime between the initial request of the transfer and it success, the transfer automatically fails.
I bet you people miss me whan I'm away.

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