Proposal : Ceramic Hammers [Trivial]
Change the sentence in Rule 16 - Tools that reads
to read
And change the sentence in the same rule that reads
to read
Change the clause in Rule 11 - Oxygen that reads
to read
Passed 11 to 0 with 1 unresolved IMP at 5:26 am GMT on 5.23.2004. +3 to Brendan.
Crew Members may also permanently commandeer Tools from lower-ranking Crew Members.
to read
Crew Members may also commandeer Tools from lower-ranking Crew Members.
And change the sentence in the same rule that reads
When a Crew Member goes Idle, they drop all of their Tools.
to read
When a Crew Member goes Idle or Faints, they drop all of their Tools.
Change the clause in Rule 11 - Oxygen that reads
Fainted Crew Members may not Declare Victory except under the conditions stated in Rule 14.
to read
Fainted Crew Members may not participate in Tasks, pick up Tools, or Declare Victory except under the conditions stated in Rule 14.

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