Proposal : Bad Chemistry
Should Proposal : Honors Student pass, replace all references to "Low-Grade Fuel" in this Proposal with "Fuel."
Add a new rule, Oxygen Floods:
Should this Proposal pass, Brendan will add instructions for changing Saturation value to the BlogNomic template.
Passed 10 to 1 with 1 unresolved IMP by Brendan at 4:50 am GMT on 5.23.2004. +12 to Brendan.
Add a new rule, Oxygen Floods:
The Planet, as an entity, can detect unusual activity in its atmosphere--such as rapid oxidation--and attempt to compensate. Any time a Crew Member uses a Tool to consume at least one unit of Low-Grade Fuel, the Planet may post to the BlogNomic weblog, declaring that he or she is raising the oxygen content of the atmosphere. This action is known as an Oxygen Flood.
The Oxygen Flood must be declared within 24 hours of the triggering Tool use, or it has no effect. Oxygen Floods for multiple Tool uses may be aggregated in the same post, but the Planet may declare no more than one Oxygen Flood per Low-Grade Fuel-consuming Tool use.
Oxygen Floods are dangerous to the Crew Members, as they each raise Saturation by 2.
Within 24 hours of the Planet's declaration, any Admin may increment the Saturation value by 2 per Oxygen Flood; instructions on how to make this change are contained above the saturation() JavaScript function in the header of the BlogNomic template. Only one Admin may perform this change in Saturation for any given Oxygen Flood. If no Admin makes this change within 24 hours of the Planet's post, all Admins lose Health equal to twice the unperformed change in Saturation.
Should this Proposal pass, Brendan will add instructions for changing Saturation value to the BlogNomic template.

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