Proposal: Getting the hell out of Dodge
If any terms in used in this proposal are changed in the ruleset, then the appropriate versions will be used if this rule is enacted.
Add to the end of Rule 12 - Ranks:
In Rule 15 - Fuel change "The ship requires 20000 Fuel to travel one light-year" to
[Currently, if everyone listed in the GNDT (including the Computer, Planet, and any sabotuers) gain 5 fuel every turn and give it and any fuel they have now to the Computer, saturation will be 528 before the ship has enough fuel to leave. In the same (unrealistically ideal) situation this proposal reduces the saturation to 106.]
Passed 10 to 0 by Brendan at 3:15 pm GMT on 5.24.2004. +10 to Ornithopter, +2 to Brendan.
Add to the end of Rule 12 - Ranks:
If the Crew succeeds in getting off the planet, the Crew Member with the highest rank (excluding sabotuers and Crew Members in custody) may declare victory.
In Rule 15 - Fuel change "The ship requires 20000 Fuel to travel one light-year" to
The ship requires 4,000 Fuel to travel one light-year
[Currently, if everyone listed in the GNDT (including the Computer, Planet, and any sabotuers) gain 5 fuel every turn and give it and any fuel they have now to the Computer, saturation will be 528 before the ship has enough fuel to leave. In the same (unrealistically ideal) situation this proposal reduces the saturation to 106.]

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