Proposal: Emergence
Change all instances of the term 'Crew Member' in the rulestate and gamestate to 'Minor God'. Change all instances of the word 'Health' in the Rulestate and GNDT to 'Population (millions)'.
Add a new rule, entitled Evolution:
Create 5 new fields in the GNDT; STR, SPD, INT, COM and Species Name.
Self-killed; failed by Brendan at 2:02 pm GMT on 5.28.2004. -3 to Josh, +1 to Brendan.
Add a new rule, entitled Evolution:
Each Minor God has control of one burgeoning race of insects, with the aim of guiding it to genetic superiority. Each race is described in the gamestate by 4 generalised characteristic-based statistics, Strength, Speed, Intelligence and Community Spirit (or STR, SPD, INT and COM). These are tracked, along with each species' name, in the GNDT, and may not be changed unless provision for such exists within the ruleset.
At any point, a Minor God may abandon their race and start afresh. When creating a new race, the Minor God may apportion 5 points among their statistics and create a new name for their race. Once these details have been entered into the GNDT, that race is considered to have been created, and thus those fields may not be altered unless provisions for such alterations exist within the ruleset.
Create 5 new fields in the GNDT; STR, SPD, INT, COM and Species Name.

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