Proposal : They Mostly Come at Night
Enact a new Rule, "Location Location Location":-
Passed 7 to 0 by Brendan at 3:49 am GMT on 5.29.2004. +10 to Kevan, +2 to Brendan.
There are six Locations in and around the ship that can provide some form of shelter for the Crew:-Enact a new Rule, "Aliens":-Crew's Locations are tracked in the GNDT, and they may move themselves to another Location at any time. All Crew begin on the Bridge.
- The Bridge
- The Galley
- The Engine Room
- The Cargo Hold
- The Drilling Rig
- The Caves
Shadowy aliens are massing around the perimeter of the crater that the ship rests in, and they will periodically launch attacks on the crew. If the aliens haven't attacked for more than four days, any Crew Member may resolve an alien attack by posting a GNDT comment of "Alien Attack: DICE". The number rolled should be looked up on the list of Locations in the previous Rule - all Crew in that Location lose 50 Health, and the resolving Crew Member should post a blog entry detailing the attack.
(The aliens are holding back to begin with, however, and may not attack before the 6th of June 2004. Any Admin may remove this paragraph on or after that date.)

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