Proposal: So... hungry...
If Proposal: Emergence passes, this propsal has no effect.
The crew has a plentiful supply of water, as former Science Officer CzarOfCanada tested a river near the crash site for contaminants and found it to be within acceptable limits. Unfortunately, he vanished before he was able to test the indigenous vegetation, and these tests are no longer possible due to the computer's demise. The limited supply of food remaining on board has been divided evenly among all Crew Memebers.
Create a variable in the GNDT named "Food". Set all Crew Member's Food to 10.
Create a variable in the GNDT named "Spores". Set all Crew Member's Spores to 0.
Enact a rule "Food" that reads:
Enact a rule "Foraging" that reads:
Enact a rule "Death" that reads:
Add to the list of titles in Rule 2:
Passed 7 to 3 by Brendan at 2:07 pm GMT on 5.28.2004. +10 to Ornithopter, +2 to Brendan.
The crew has a plentiful supply of water, as former Science Officer CzarOfCanada tested a river near the crash site for contaminants and found it to be within acceptable limits. Unfortunately, he vanished before he was able to test the indigenous vegetation, and these tests are no longer possible due to the computer's demise. The limited supply of food remaining on board has been divided evenly among all Crew Memebers.
Create a variable in the GNDT named "Food". Set all Crew Member's Food to 10.
Create a variable in the GNDT named "Spores". Set all Crew Member's Spores to 0.
Enact a rule "Food" that reads:
Each player's suppy of food (measured in units equal to one day's supply for one person) is tracked in the GNDT.
A Crew Member may eat one unit of their food at any time by removing it from their inventory.
Each Crew Member can go 48 hours without eating. If a Crew Member has not eaten or had their Health lowered for not eating withing the past 48 hours, any Crew Member may lower their Health by 10.
If a new Crew Member joins they receive an amount of food equal to the average Food of all other Crew Members (rounded up).
Enact a rule "Foraging" that reads:
Once per day, in place of consuming a unit of their food supply, a crew member may choose to eat some of Nadil-5's indigenous vegation. To do so, post a comment to the GNDT saying "Foraging: DICE"
If a 1, 2, or 3 is rolled, the plant was edible and the Crew Member is no longer hungy. If a 4 is rolled, the plant was poisonous and the Crew Member loses 5 Health and is no longer hungry. If a 5 is rolled the plant contained sprores, the Crew Member's Spores goes up by one, and they are no longer hungry. If a 6 is rolled, roll again and perform the action appropriate to your new roll. If 6 is rolled twice in a row the Crew Member's Health is reduced to 0.
Enact a rule "Death" that reads:
If at any time a Crew Member's Health is 0 they are considered dead, and "R.I.P." is added after their name in the sidebar.
Dead Crew Members may not gain Health and are not considered Crew Members for the purpose of non-core rules other than this one.
Add to the list of titles in Rule 2:
R.I.P. : These Crew Members are deceased.

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