Proposal: Everybody's got one
Add a rule World Domination:
Passed 14-2. Enacted by Cayvie, 25th of May at 4:19.
An Agenda is a Victory Condition which can be used only if it has been recorded as the Agenda of that Illuminatus by the Illuminatus Rex. This may be done in secret by emailing or otherwise contacting the Illuminatus Rex and indicating the Agenda of choice from the list in this rule. When the Illuminatus Rex has confirmed that choice then the Illuminatus has that Agenda. The Illuminatus Rex may deny the request.
The Illuminatus must also make a post to the blog announcing that they have selected an Agenda (although the exact one needn't be revealed). Agendas may be changed using the same process, but at most once per week.
An Illuminatus can only have one Agenda at a time.
All Agendas must be listed at the end of this rule. If an Agenda is no longer listed in this rule, then it may not be used.
Agenda #1: "Power Broker". An Illuminatus with this Agenda may declare Victory if it has 800 or more Influence.
Agenda #2: "Puppet Master". An Illuminatus with this Agenda may declare Victory if it controls 25 or more Organizations.
Agenda #3: "The AnarchiCosmic Order Of Fnord". An Illuminatus with this Agenda may declare Victory if the word "Fnord" has been used in a Proposal Title during this Dynasty by a number of different Illuminati equal or greater than the current Quorum.

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