Proposal: Sublime
If "Proposal: Puppetry" has been passed, add the following to the end of the rule:
Each Organisation has a Reality Index. This number is determined as follows: For each letter, in order, of the word "Shockwave" found, in order, in the name of the Organisation, add one point of Reality Rating from a start of 0. If the consecutive letters "Wave" are contained in the name, subtract 3; if the consecutive letters "Shock" are contained, subtract 4; if the consecutive letters "Shockwave" are contained, subract 1 more. All of these stack. The final Reality Index should be noted in parentheses after the Organisation name. Gibberish(non-word) names will please not be used, or names of more than three words. And Admin may, at the Admin's initiative, allow an Illiminatus to change a name. This is intended to be the "enforcement". Not if they come up with something better.
My idea is that these indices help you get influence, but they also draw attention from the populace if they're high. Is it really spelled "Organisation"? I have no idea.
Self-killed. Failed by Cayvie, 25th of May at 15:27.
Each Organisation has a Reality Index. This number is determined as follows: For each letter, in order, of the word "Shockwave" found, in order, in the name of the Organisation, add one point of Reality Rating from a start of 0. If the consecutive letters "Wave" are contained in the name, subtract 3; if the consecutive letters "Shock" are contained, subtract 4; if the consecutive letters "Shockwave" are contained, subract 1 more. All of these stack. The final Reality Index should be noted in parentheses after the Organisation name. Gibberish(non-word) names will please not be used, or names of more than three words. And Admin may, at the Admin's initiative, allow an Illiminatus to change a name. This is intended to be the "enforcement". Not if they come up with something better.
My idea is that these indices help you get influence, but they also draw attention from the populace if they're high. Is it really spelled "Organisation"? I have no idea.

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