Proposal: Control
Replace or add this block of text, as appropriate, in the appropriate place in Rule 11 - The World after the paragraph beginning "Initially,". And don't give me any comments about not wording that properly; there's about 4 pending proposals as you full well know. PLEASE? Pleasepleaseplease?
An Illuminatus may also attempt to take Control of an Organisation controlled by another Illuminatus. In order for an Illuminatus to attempt this, e must be on the Official List of that Organisation, have a number of influence at least equal to the Organistation's Reality Index, and not have combined attempted takeovers pending(including this latest) for Organizations that, added together, have Reality Indices greater than the Illuminatus's Influence.
If these Conditions are met, then the Illuminatus may make a post to the Blog under an anonymous account labled "Org", entitled "Attempted Takeover: [Organisation]" and must include, within this post, a whole number N with a value less than or equal to the value of the Reality Index of the Organisation. Any player who wishes to Place a Bid may notify the Illuminatus Rex with the number of Bids(each Bid is equal to N influence points in cost, and N must be a positive integer or zero) that player wishes to place, and a number for each Bid representing a Guess that player makes. If a player places more Bids than members of the Organisation, any Bids after that number are rendered void and not looked at, though the Illuminatus placing them is neither notified, nor do e(?) recieve bid points back. The Illuminatus controlling the Orginazation may place two Bids for each N points spent, in multiples of two Bids, to a minimum of one free Bid at no cost, with no maximum. Bidding ends two days after the initial announcement post--
at which point, the Illuminatus evalutes Guesses as follows:
Any illegal(negative, fractional, not-bid-for, or non-real) Guesses are removed, of course.
Any duplicate Guesses are removed.
If at least two Guesses remain, the lowest Guess other than zero wins.
If exactly one Guess remains, it wins, even if it is zero.
If no Guesses remain, the current Controller of the Organization's Guess wins.
If the remaining Guess belongs to the current Controller of the Organization, half the bids(rounded down) times N Influence is added to eir influence.
If the remaining Guess does not belong to the current Controller of the Organization, then the Illuminatus to whom the Guess belongs becomes the new Controller of the Organization. The Organization is still listed as being controlled by the old Controller; the new Controller is noted on the Official List with a star next to eir name. The old Controller should be notified they ae no longer in power, and the new of eir position as Controller
Regardless, for each Bid each Illuminatus placed, that Illuminatus loses N Inluence.
All Influence changes mentioned in this block of text take place on the last day of the week, and should be changed by the Illuminatus Rex on the first week's end day possible.
Amend rule 16 from
"by posting an entry to the front page with the subject"
to "by posting an entry to the front page under the account "Org' with the subject"
If the account "Org" cannot be created, replace all instances of "Org" with the account that is created.
This was my best idea to hide who's gained control of what... anything better? As per the Glossary, the week's ending day is Sunday.
The Guess system is of course Ro, with a slight change for zero...
I like the idea of people not knowing who the owner of an Organisation is.
Failed 1-11. Cannot be enacted without CoV. Failed by AG, 31st of May at 1:27.
An Illuminatus may also attempt to take Control of an Organisation controlled by another Illuminatus. In order for an Illuminatus to attempt this, e must be on the Official List of that Organisation, have a number of influence at least equal to the Organistation's Reality Index, and not have combined attempted takeovers pending(including this latest) for Organizations that, added together, have Reality Indices greater than the Illuminatus's Influence.
If these Conditions are met, then the Illuminatus may make a post to the Blog under an anonymous account labled "Org", entitled "Attempted Takeover: [Organisation]" and must include, within this post, a whole number N with a value less than or equal to the value of the Reality Index of the Organisation. Any player who wishes to Place a Bid may notify the Illuminatus Rex with the number of Bids(each Bid is equal to N influence points in cost, and N must be a positive integer or zero) that player wishes to place, and a number for each Bid representing a Guess that player makes. If a player places more Bids than members of the Organisation, any Bids after that number are rendered void and not looked at, though the Illuminatus placing them is neither notified, nor do e(?) recieve bid points back. The Illuminatus controlling the Orginazation may place two Bids for each N points spent, in multiples of two Bids, to a minimum of one free Bid at no cost, with no maximum. Bidding ends two days after the initial announcement post--
at which point, the Illuminatus evalutes Guesses as follows:
Any illegal(negative, fractional, not-bid-for, or non-real) Guesses are removed, of course.
Any duplicate Guesses are removed.
If at least two Guesses remain, the lowest Guess other than zero wins.
If exactly one Guess remains, it wins, even if it is zero.
If no Guesses remain, the current Controller of the Organization's Guess wins.
If the remaining Guess belongs to the current Controller of the Organization, half the bids(rounded down) times N Influence is added to eir influence.
If the remaining Guess does not belong to the current Controller of the Organization, then the Illuminatus to whom the Guess belongs becomes the new Controller of the Organization. The Organization is still listed as being controlled by the old Controller; the new Controller is noted on the Official List with a star next to eir name. The old Controller should be notified they ae no longer in power, and the new of eir position as Controller
Regardless, for each Bid each Illuminatus placed, that Illuminatus loses N Inluence.
All Influence changes mentioned in this block of text take place on the last day of the week, and should be changed by the Illuminatus Rex on the first week's end day possible.
Amend rule 16 from
"by posting an entry to the front page with the subject"
to "by posting an entry to the front page under the account "Org' with the subject"
If the account "Org" cannot be created, replace all instances of "Org" with the account that is created.
This was my best idea to hide who's gained control of what... anything better? As per the Glossary, the week's ending day is Sunday.
The Guess system is of course Ro, with a slight change for zero...
I like the idea of people not knowing who the owner of an Organisation is.

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