Draft Proposal: Time for GNDT II
Create another instance of the GNDT, and call it the OrgDT, but make the player fields each be one of the currently extant organizations. However, let each player's login to the OrgDT be with the same username and password as to the GNDT. Let there be a link to OrgDT in the sidebar, and, if admin feels like implementing it, a small version in the same manner as the GNDT for the players.
Instantiate the following fields in the OrgDT: Abbrv., Reality Index, Controller. Set the Reality Index and Controller as appropriate for each organisation. Let the Controlling player for each organisation set the abbrv. field to any three-character (or less) symbol e likes that has not yet been taken by another organisation.
If Proposal: Pick Your Own Take 3...With Bonus Features passed, strike the following text, modify the first three paragraphs as follows, (strikethroughs are deletions, boldface are additions. Set additions to plainface upon enactment and addition to the ruleset).
If Kevan adds a Veto Icon to eir comment, do not add that final sentence, and instead add 'E must then add a post to the blog frontpage, with the title "Make Organisation X Y's", where X is the name of the organisation and Y is eir name'
If Proposal: Pick Your Own Take 3...With Bonus Features fails, do not create a field entitled 'Reality Index' and reword rule 11 (the world) to (as above boldface is the additions):
Once again, if Kevan replies with a veto icon in addition to eir standard voting icon, do not make the change to the last sentence, and replace it with the sentence given for said contingency above.
I think that's all we need to change. This allows us to assign all sorts of fields to the orgs that does apply to the standard players, while at the same time making the two lists linked. The abbreviations were introduced to allow the lists in the GNDT to not be quite as long, though we still allow the long names in the ruleset and the OrgDT.
Not a veto at all. ;) It's just to comply with the "Last Proposal" Sidebar script
Instantiate the following fields in the OrgDT: Abbrv., Reality Index, Controller. Set the Reality Index and Controller as appropriate for each organisation. Let the Controlling player for each organisation set the abbrv. field to any three-character (or less) symbol e likes that has not yet been taken by another organisation.
If Proposal: Pick Your Own Take 3...With Bonus Features passed, strike the following text, modify the first three paragraphs as follows, (strikethroughs are deletions, boldface are additions. Set additions to plainface upon enactment and addition to the ruleset).
A number of Organisations exist, each with a Name, a unique abbrevation of no more than three characters and a Reality Index signifying the extent of their interaction with the world (with a minimum of zero). All properties of these organisations are tracked in the Organisation Data Tracker, or OrgDT.
Illuminati may control any number of Organisations. This control is tracked as a list of their abbrevations in a single GNDT field for each Illuminati., with the Reality Indices given in brackets after each Organisation. (If a Reality Index changes for an Organisation, all lists it appears in must be updated.)
Initially, Illuminati control no Organisations. An Illuminatus may spend X points of its own Influence, where X is at least 12, to create a new Organisation with a Reality Index of X, and gain control of it (provided that that Organisation is not currently under the control of another Illuminatus). E must then create the organisation in the OrgDT, and set all appropriate fields to their starting value, including the 'Controller' as eirself.
If Kevan adds a Veto Icon to eir comment, do not add that final sentence, and instead add 'E must then add a post to the blog frontpage, with the title "Make Organisation X Y's", where X is the name of the organisation and Y is eir name'
If Proposal: Pick Your Own Take 3...With Bonus Features fails, do not create a field entitled 'Reality Index' and reword rule 11 (the world) to (as above boldface is the additions):
A number of Organisations exist in the World; Illuminati may control any number of them, and such control is tracked as a list of their abbreviations, in a single GNDT field. Furthermore, in the OrgDT, each Organisation shall have its controller listed in an OrgDT field.
Initially, Illuminati control no Organisations. An Illuminatus may spend 25 of its own Influence to create a new Organisation and gain control of it, provided that that Organisation is not currently under the control of another Illuminatus. The Illuminatus must then create the Organisation in the OrgDT, set all fields as appropriate, with the abbreviation being no more than three characters long and unique, and the controller set to eirself.
Once again, if Kevan replies with a veto icon in addition to eir standard voting icon, do not make the change to the last sentence, and replace it with the sentence given for said contingency above.
I think that's all we need to change. This allows us to assign all sorts of fields to the orgs that does apply to the standard players, while at the same time making the two lists linked. The abbreviations were introduced to allow the lists in the GNDT to not be quite as long, though we still allow the long names in the ruleset and the OrgDT.

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