Proposal: Influential Influence
Some more things to do with influence that affect the primary move of Blognomic. I think these are a bit expensive, but we shall see.
Move the entire text of rule 13 to rule the end of rule 10, and delete rule 13.
Also append to the end of rule 10 the following text:
If Proposal: Dictator Apathy passed, append the following to the rule created thereby, otherwise, create a new rule entitled "Voting Shenanigans" with the text:
Failed, 4-9, by Angry Grasshopper on 28th of May at 20:53.
Move the entire text of rule 13 to rule the end of rule 10, and delete rule 13.
Also append to the end of rule 10 the following text:
If an Illuminatus' Influence has not changed in the past 23 hours, e may change it by up to 5 points.
If Proposal: Dictator Apathy passed, append the following to the rule created thereby, otherwise, create a new rule entitled "Voting Shenanigans" with the text:
An Illuminatus may reduce eir influence by 21 to add one additional vote for or against a proposal, with a comment indicating that this rule was invoked. This vote does not contribute to the proposal reaching quorum, but otherwise acts as a standard vote. Further votes may be added, each costing twice what the previous one did (i.e., 42 for the second, 84 for the third, and so on).
An Illuminatus may also veto any proposal by reducing eir influence by 250 and adding a Veto icon in place of a standard voting icon, along with a comment indicating that this rule was invoked.

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