Proposal: What you don't read in the newspapers
Add an item to the Glossary:
Create a new rule titled "Organization Powers":
If this Proposal is Enacted and the plurality of FOR or DEFERENTIAL votes contain the phrase "Spelling Only", then the rule "Organization Powers" is automatically repealed and is not added to the Ruleset.
Passed 13-5. Enacted by Cayvie, 27th of May at 18:58.
Superficial differences between the spelling of geographic versions of English, e.g, British English, American English, Australian English shall be construed as irrelevant for the purposes of play.
Create a new rule titled "Organization Powers":
No more than once per day, an Illuminatus who controls at least one Organization may attempt to quantify the game effects of that Organization's connections, influence, cash, and general secret society clout by posting an entry to the front page with the subject "Tentative Powers, Organization X", where X is an Organization under eir control.
The body of the text of that post must begin with the phrase "The Illuminatus who controls Organization X may...", and should be concluded by a list of game abilities, in the opinion of the Illuminatus making the Proposal, that are fitting for the Organization and the general theme of the game.
If the Illuminatus Rex marks the post with a FOR vote, then the body of the "Tentative Powers" post is appended to this rule and becomes rule text. If e marks the post with an AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL, or VETO vote, or more than one vote, then no action is taken and no rule text shall be appended to this rule. In the case that the Illuminatus Rex blocks a change defining Organization powers, e may optionally explain the reason for moving against such a change, e.g.,, proposed changes are too powerful, generally broken, or those that tend to prejudicially effect the balance of the game, changes are thematically unrelated to the Organization in question, etc.
If this Proposal is Enacted and the plurality of FOR or DEFERENTIAL votes contain the phrase "Spelling Only", then the rule "Organization Powers" is automatically repealed and is not added to the Ruleset.

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