Proposal: New Puzzles
Repeal Rule 34
Sequences #11, 12, 13, 14, and TheExalibur's Influence change are still legal.
Add a new rule, titled "Puzzler Sequences"
One per day or when the latest sequence is solved, to a maximum of twice per day, the Puzzler may post a Sequence to the main page. Illuminatus Gobleteer is the current Puzzler.
A Sequence is a post with the title "Sequence #N", where N is an indexing number, with a sequence of numbers (in any field) as the body of the post. Sequences are Open or Closed. All Sequences are Open when they are posted. Each Sequence is noted with the posting Puzzler's name.
Any Illuminatus, except Puzzler, may attempt to answer an Open Sequence by posting a reply with no less then the next six terms of that sequence, and optionally the rule that generates the terms of the sequence.
The Puzzler shall judge whether or not an answer to the Sequence is correct. If the Puzzler judges an answer satisfactory, then e shall respond to that comment with a FOR vote, which Closes the Sequence and signifies that the answer was substantially correct. Answers are judged chronologically. If different answers are posted to an Open Sequence that satisfy the initial data, the Puzzler may at eir discretion mark one or more answers as correct by posting FOR votes as responses to those comments.
An Illuminatus that correctly answers a Sequence has eir Influence increased by 5. The Puzzler may further add or subtract up to 2 points per Sequence for aesthetics and presentation at eir discretion.
All Sequences shall be listed in the SequenceLog with their status (Open or Closed), and their solutions, if Closed. Each shall be noted with the posting Illuminatus' name. If a single Illuminatus has solved more than half the Puzzles(which are Sequences posted by the current Puzzler), and there are at least three Puzzles, then that Illuminatus becomes the Puzzler. If the Puzzler is no longer able to legally post a Sequence for any reason, or annoucnes that e wishes to resign, whoever has solved the most Puzzles becomes the Puzzler. Whenever the Puzzler changes, an Admin should modify the second sentence of this rule to reflect the current Puzzler, and an announcement should be posted to the Blog.
If there is a tie for number of Puzzles solved, then the Illuminatus with the lowest Influence becomes the Puzzler.
Anyone feel free to add stuff other than Sequences you'd like to see. Please ignore the current situation until this is passed or failed. I have removed the "Computer" restrictions, as e no longer gives Sequences, and changed the passing of the Puzzler title to only be pased on the last Puzzler's Puzzles, which is what I meant to do the first time. And of course, removed bad references.

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