Proposal: Tin foil Hats
Change "Space Madness" to "a Tinfoil Hat"
Create a rule, "Tinfoil Hats", with the text
Basically, if you are a crazy loon you lose all your influence (slowly) and if you break the rules you're crazy. Tinfoil Hats just seem to fit, somehow.
Self-Killed. Failed by Cayvie, 25th of May at 15:34.
Create a rule, "Tinfoil Hats", with the text
Illuminati with Tinfoil Hats lose 5 Influence per day. If an Illuminatus with a Tinfoil Hat fails to reduce eir logic for two successive days, the Illuminatus Rex may set eir Influence to any value e likes that is lower than eir current Influence, to a minimum of 0.
If at any time any crewmember violates a rule any Illuminatus may make a post entitled "X needs a Tinfoil Hat" to the BlogNomic weblog, where X is the name of the Illuminatus who violated the rule, and the body of the posting contains details of the rules violation. The affected Illuminatus' logic is then set to its negative, if positive, or doubled, if negative. In the special case when eir logic is 0, set it to -1. Note that mistakes made in the GNDT may not be the subject of this rule if corrected within 42 minutes of being made.
For instance, say that crewmember Shea posts four proposals in one day, and has a logic of 13. Any Illuminatus may then add a post to the blog stating "Shea needs a Tinfoil Hat" to the front page, with the violated rule (3) in the body. Shea's logic is then set to -13. If Shea already had negative logic, say -3, then eir logic would be set to -6.
Basically, if you are a crazy loon you lose all your influence (slowly) and if you break the rules you're crazy. Tinfoil Hats just seem to fit, somehow.

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