Proposal: Outbid again!
Add this text to the end of 15 - Deferential Bribery:
If an Illuminatus posts "Auction Style Bribe Z", where Z is any integer above zero, with eir DEFERENTIAL vote then eir DEFERENTIAL vote, since changed to FOR or AGAINST, may be changed again by any Illuminatus for Z times the cost of the last change, except if the Illuminatus who posted the DEFERENTIAL vote posts the phrase "Auction over" in a comment.
This "U" thing is hard, but easier with Spivak. I think I've been spelling Illuminatus "Illuminus" for a long time.
8-7. Timed-Out. Enacted by Chronos at 05/31/2005 GMT 19:15
If an Illuminatus posts "Auction Style Bribe Z", where Z is any integer above zero, with eir DEFERENTIAL vote then eir DEFERENTIAL vote, since changed to FOR or AGAINST, may be changed again by any Illuminatus for Z times the cost of the last change, except if the Illuminatus who posted the DEFERENTIAL vote posts the phrase "Auction over" in a comment.
This "U" thing is hard, but easier with Spivak. I think I've been spelling Illuminatus "Illuminus" for a long time.

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