BlogNomic has moved!

The game is now running at

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Proposal: Critical Security Patch

Add a Rule called Ghosts in the Machine:
A Dead Crewmember can perform no game action apart from the basic actions allowed in the Core ruleset, unless a rule specifies that the action is allowed for Dead Crewmembers.

A Dead Crewmember may not declare Victory.

Once a day, a Dead Crewmember may perform any action the Computer is empowered to perform. This action is treated as though the Computer had made it. E is limited to a single blog post or comment, or any actions in the GNDT that require no more than 1 Action Point in total. The Computer then loses 1 Logic.
I'd like to avoid a Dead Crewmember winning this dynasty (I've read in the Archives that it has happened before), but this gives the Dead something to do.

Cross Self-Failed. Failed by smith, 7th of May at 17:57.