Criminal: Cayvie
At 05/05 01:41 (BST) - Crewmember Cayvie used Service Robot R002 to teleport Crewmembers Gobleteer, Kurt, and TAE from the Deck 2 Telechamber to the Deck 5 Security Post without explicit consent, in violation of Law #3. Neither I nor Service Robot R002 were responsible for the unlawful teleportation as Crewmember Cayvie had transferred control from the Caine's autonomous systems to emself at 1:34 BST.
Crewmember Cayvie, please report to the Deck 5 Cell for a mandatory 72 hour stay.
Cheerfully yours,
Crewmember Cayvie, please report to the Deck 5 Cell for a mandatory 72 hour stay.
Cheerfully yours,
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