Proposal: Too many actions can drive you mad
My take on de-speeding (I'm also hit by thsi, if I choose to use my 4th AP)
In rule 18 – Action Points, change:
Self-Killed. Failed by Chronos at 05/06/2005 GMT 13:32
In rule 18 – Action Points, change:
A Crewmember may spend Action Points by decrementing the number in eir "Action Points" field by the amount spent. A Crewmember having zero Action Points may not spend any more that day.
A Crewmember may spend Action Points by decrementing the number in eir "Action Points" field by the amount spent. A Crewmember having zero Action Points may not spend any more until resetting eir Points. If a Crewmember’s spending of Action Points causes the difference between eir Daily Points score and eir current Action Points to exceed 3, that Crewmember must lose an amount of Logic, as calculated by the formula LL = (DP – AP) - 3, where LL is the amount of Logic to be lost, DP is the Crewmember’s Daily Points Score and AP is eir Action Points after the spending.

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