Proposal: Contaminant
Add a rule, "Biosample Contamination", worded as follows:
Passed 8-0 (Timed Out). Enacted by smith, 11th of May at 2:25.
At any one time, there might be one or more biosamples released (or at least identified to be in storage) on the Caine (from the sample pods in Cargo Bay 2), as tracked at the end of this rule. The sample's status, be it Released, Dead, or In Stasis, is also tracked.If the Biological Sample Stasis Pods in Cargo Bay 2 do not exist, crerate them with the wording specified below. If they do exist, alter the wording to read:
At present, there are no biosamples identified - as soon as one is identified, this sentence will repeal itself.
Biological Sample Stasis Pods (Cargo Bay 2): A Crewmember who is Pulling the Levers on one of the pods may attempt to open it by posting a comment to the GNDT stating 'Biosample Release DICEX' (where X is either eir Logic score plus five, or 5, whichever is higher). On a result of:This should alleviate AG's concerns that the pods didn't "do anything" - i.e everything e said about the samples would be just flavour text.
However, the pod will refuse to operate if the Buttons haven't been Pushed first.
- Two-thirds, rounded up, of X, or greater: The pod opens, and the sample is released.
- 2 or less: The pod malfunctions, and the sample dies.
- Any other result: Nothing happens.
A Crewmember who is Pushing the Buttons on a pod may run a Query through Howard to obtain the status of the sample or lifeform contained within the pod, without spending an extra Action Point. If e does not run the Query, e should post status results the the blog with the title "Biosample status results:", along with whatever other information e wishes to add pertaining to the biosample. Once this is done, the Computer should respond to the post with either a FOR icon, in which case the biosample should be added to the Ruleset and may be released at a later date, or an AGAINST icon, in which case nothing happens.

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