Proposal: Law fixes.
Add the following laws to the end of rule 25
In paragraph 2 of rule 25 change "the Computer" to "A Crewmember or the Computer."
The Computer has no reason to check the GNDT so if someone commits a crime then it may be weeks before e becomes a Criminal.
3-11. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 05/05/2005 GMT 13:46
Law #6: No Crewmember may order another Crewmember or use a robot to violate a law.
Law #7: No Crewmeber may remove a Criminal from the Cell.
In paragraph 2 of rule 25 change "the Computer" to "A Crewmember or the Computer."
The Computer has no reason to check the GNDT so if someone commits a crime then it may be weeks before e becomes a Criminal.

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