Proposal: Less Computer Power
In Rule 15 - Data Banks, change:
At the moment this Proposal is enacted, the Admin doing the enactment shall process, as if e were the Computer, any unprocessed Command which would cause the Computer to violate the new provision, issuing an Error message in the comments. Neither the Crewmember who issued the Command not the Computer shall lose any Logic in consequence of that Error message.
5-10. Timed Out. Failed by Chronos at 05/05/2005 GMT 03:38
These changes are limited to the addition, removal and alteration of Machinery and Locations.
These changes are limited to either one addition, one removal or one alteration of one, and only one, piece of Machinery or one Location.
At the moment this Proposal is enacted, the Admin doing the enactment shall process, as if e were the Computer, any unprocessed Command which would cause the Computer to violate the new provision, issuing an Error message in the comments. Neither the Crewmember who issued the Command not the Computer shall lose any Logic in consequence of that Error message.

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