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Saturday, November 06, 2004

Peace Treaty (Ascencion Address)

Fellow Lords, after crushing Entropy, we may now settle for the pacifying of our Realm. Though I’ll retain the title of High Lord, we will not be called Warlords any more, but Lords, as we rightfully and peacefully rule over our lands.

The War process has damaged all our Reputations, and as part of this Peace Treaty we shall agree to once again normalize our Confidence in each other.

Furthermore, as peaceful persons, we shall no more call our meetings Alliances, but Parties, and the ones who lead those Parties shall be called Speakers.

Finally, I call upon all of you to become more acquainted to the people of our lands, for I’m intended to lead us into a Democratic State.

Simplifying: The High Lord remains so, Warlords are now only Lords, Reputation becomes Confidence. I’m keeping rules 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 and 26. Alliances are now called Parties and the Leaders become Speakers. Under rule 10, though, all entries of the GNDT are to be blanked. My veto icon will be this one: .