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Monday, November 01, 2004

Proposal: Exploit Containment

[Patio11 has revealed his exploit to me prior to idling. We can make a sub-game of this. If you can detail the exploit (or a close enough version) and be the first to give it in the comments, I will give you the Reputation award that I would get should this Proposal Pass (I'll post his technique after Enactment or Failure if nobody guesses it). Granted, the reward won't be as much as if you used the exploit, but that would just be annoying and probably result in a GNDT reset.]

At the end of the first paragraph of the rule Ritual Warfare add:
An Attack can only be processed by the Attack Coordinator if no Warlords on the Attacking side have been involved in another Attack within the last 24 hours.

In the rule Ritual Warfare change the line:
Each Warlord in the Winner Side has it Reputation raised by the number of Warlords participating in the other side of the Combat.
to read:
Each Warlord on the Winner Side has their Reputation raised by the number of Warlords with non-zero Defense participating in the other side of the Combat.

Upon the passing of this Proposal if Orson nominated another Warlord in the comments to this post, give that Warlord the Reputation award as if they had been the author of this Proposal

5-0 Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos, Nov 3