Proposal: Electoral Votes
Add a rule, Electoral Votes:
2-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos
Each Lord holds a number of Electoral Votes, reflecting how much power that Lord wields in the name of his people. This is tracked by the GNDT.
A Lord may not hold more Electoral Votes than the Speaker of his Party. At any time, if a Lord holds more Electoral Votes than the Speaker of his Party, that Lord’s Electoral Votes shall be reduced to comply with this rule.
There are some boundaries about the number of Electoral Votes a Lord may hold. These boundaries shall be listed here and any action that would bring the number of Electoral Votes held by a Lord to violate those boundaries may be done, but the change shall be capped so the resulting Gamestate doesn’t violate those boundaries:
* A Rogue Lord may only hold 1 Electoral Vote.
* A Lord must not hold less than 1 Electoral Vote.
* The difference between the Electoral Votes held by the Member with the highest number of Electoral Votes and by the Member with the lowest number of Electoral Votes within the same Party shall not be greater than 3.

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