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Sunday, October 31, 2004

Proposal: Stop The Madness

Modify rule 21, Ritual Warfare, by overwriting the current text of "Step 3" of both calculating Offensive and Defensive power with the following language, substituting Offense or Defense for X, where appropriate.

Divide the X Dice by 1. This figure is the X Modifier.

Modify rule 22, Alliance Warfare, by striking the following three words from the very start of the first paragraph

At any time,

and replacing with the words

Once per twenty-four hour period,

Commentary: I did the math earlier, and it turns out the built-in attacker's advantage gives the attacks a 60% probability of smashing someone at equal levels of offense/defense, and it gets really worse with repeated iterations, since you just have to keep attacking until you win and then pour on the pain, which is the cause of much of the degeneracy involved in the rule at the moment. In particular, circuit-breaking is important here.

0-1 Self Kill. Failed by Orson, Nov 1