Proposal: Choose your Victory Conditions
Choose which Victory conditions you want out of this list.
Create a rule called Victory Conditions:
Vetoed by Chronos upon ascension
Create a rule called Victory Conditions:
A Warlord may declare Victory if the Gamestate matches all of these conditions:The initial letters in this Proposal are placeholders - when this proposal is Enacted, remove them, but first remove sections based on whether their letter is specified in the comments with the FOR Votes: if a letter is not specified in at least one valid FOR Vote - omit the associated list item in the resulting rule.
- The Warlord is a Leader.
- The Warlord is in the Alliance with the most Members.
- The Warlord is in the only Alliance in a State of Order.
- No Vote for Leader in the Warlord's Alliance points to a Member other than the current Leader.
- The combined total power (Offensive + Defensive) of the Alliance Members of the Warlord is more than twice the combined total power (Offensive + Defensive) of all Warlords not in his Alliance.
- The Warlord has the greatest Reputation among all Warlords.
- The Warlord has the greatest Reputation among the Warlords in his Alliance.
- The Warlord has the only non-zero Reputation among all Warlords.
- The Warlord has the greatest Combined Power (Offensive + Defensive) among all Warlords.
- The Warlord has the Greatest Combined Power (Offensive + Defensive) among the Warlords in his Alliance.
- The Warlord has the only non-zero Power (Offensive + Defensive) among all Warlords.
- The Warlord has just won a Revenge Duel against the Warlord with a Casus Belli against the greatest number of Warlords.
- The Warlord has just won a Leadership Duel against the Leader of the Alliance with the most Members.
- The Warlord has the Highest T-Total.
- The Warlord has the Lowest T-Total.
- The Date is November 15, 2004 or later.

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