Proposal: Magic
Add two new rules to the ruleset, "Magic":
and "Spells":
Enacted by Mat, Jan 13; 11:02
There are four different strains of magical energy present in Serl, Water, Earth, Air, and Fire magic. Each sorceror has a specific amount, which must be a non-negative whole number, of each strain of magical energy reserved, monitored in the GNDT. Each Sorceror starts out with a value of 5 for each one.
These reserves of magical energy are used up when Sorcerors cast spells.
and "Spells":
Sorcerors can cast the following spells, each of which costs some amount of Power, and depletes some combination of Water, Earth, Air, and Fire reserves when the spell is cast. A sorceror must have the required amounts of Power and Magical Energy at the time of casting (this is to prevent spells like "gives a Sorceror 3 Fire. Costs 2 Fire.") Proposing a new spell to be added to the spell list is always a trivial proposal.
Spells shall be notated in the following manner:
Spell Title (e.g. Jump)
Cost of spell (e.g. 5 Power, 2 Water, 2 Air)
Effect of Spell (e.g. The sorceror casting this spell moves to a random location on the gameboard)
The list of available spells, in alphabetical order by title, is as follows:
(this parenthetical phrase to be deleted when first spell proposal is passed)

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