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Thursday, January 15, 2004

Proposal: Medallion

Enact a new Rule "Medallion":
There exists an entity known as "The Medallion". This ancient item, when in the possession of a sorcerer, allows him/her to cast spells at half the energy values at which they usually cost (rounded down.) e.g. if Kevan casted the spell "Unstable reaction (2 fire, 1 air)" while in possession of The Medallion, then the energy expenditure would instead be 1 (one) fire and 0 (zero) air.

One acquires The Medallion either by finding it in the netherworld or stealing it from another sorcerer.
To attempt to acquire The Medallion from the netherworld, one most state in the GDNT "Medallion Search: DICE-5" and spend 1 unit of each energy (1 water, 1 earth, etc). If the value is greater than 0, and no sorcerer already possesses The Medallion, then the Medallion is acquired and the sorcerer immediately receives the benefits of possessing The Medallion.

If a sorcerer possesses The Medallion, another may steal it from him or her by casting the spell Acquisition.

There exists only one Medallion. Upon possession, one may update his/her inventory value to reflect having the new object. In addition, the bearer of The Medallion may only invoke an offensive spell on a specific player once per day. i.e. Kevan may invoke Steam Conduit on Mat and again on Brendan, but may not perform that particular spell on Mat again until the next day. Offensive spells are considered those that lessen any attribute of another sorcerer.

Create a new spell:
5 Power, 1 Air
If a sorcerer possesses The Medallion, another may cast this spell at the costs above. Upon casting, the socerer who invoked the spell must comment in the GDNT "Medallion Steal: DICE-4". If the resulting value is greater than 0, the invoking sorcerer successfully steals The Medallion.

Create another new spell:
10 Power
A sorcerer who wishes to rid the world of the evil attributed to The Medallion's possession may cast this spell. Upon commenting in the GDNT, "Banish:DICE*40", if the resulting value is less than the casting sorcerer's life prior to casting Banish, then The Medallion is once again sent to the netherworld and may only be acquired by searching (as per rule "Medallion"). If a sorcerer successfully banishes The Medallion, he/she is award 20 Power for his/her good deed to the world.

Vetoed by Cayvie, failed by joranj