Proposal: There?s too much Hesch!
Why does the South Pole Research Center get a Hot Tub and we don't?
New Location:
Add a new GNDT entry: Dial; with the necessary options: Comfortable, Hot, Too Hot, and Boiling. If this could only be done by adding another catagory to everyone's options, then change "Anyone (including Radio) may adjust the dial." to "Only the Radio may adjust the dial."
It is assumed that all lifeforms have the appropriate swim wear.
Death by Hot Tub. Go Figure.
Veto'd by Cayvie, 12/01/04. -5 to Keitalia, +2 to joranj
New Location:
Hot Tub: Once a lifeform enters the hot tub the soothing affects seem to smother all other concerns. Hesch value decrease by 1 every 3 hours, however if a lifeform has a Hesch value of over 10 this soothing affect will only occur if they are alone. The Hot Tub can only hold 8 lifeforms at a time.
Unfortunately there is no safety control on the temperature dial. Anyone (including Radio) may adjust the dial. The dial reads: Comfortable, Hot, Too Hot, and Boiling. It takes 1 hour to increase/decrease the temperature by one interval. To receive the soothing affects the temperature must remain on Comfortable or Hot. If the dial should read Too Hot or Boiling the individual looses the decrease they received from the hot tub and begin to loose 10 life an hour. If it reads Boiling then anyone that is occupying the hot tub is considered dead.
Add a new GNDT entry: Dial; with the necessary options: Comfortable, Hot, Too Hot, and Boiling. If this could only be done by adding another catagory to everyone's options, then change "Anyone (including Radio) may adjust the dial." to "Only the Radio may adjust the dial."
It is assumed that all lifeforms have the appropriate swim wear.
Death by Hot Tub. Go Figure.

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