Proposal : Ask The Audience
[ Probably a good idea to move the "have an Alliance vote on something" mechanic into its own rule, so that we can evoke it easily for lots of things. ]
Enact a new Rule, "Audiences":-
Reword Rule 12 (Joining Alliances) to read:-
If "Banishment" passed, reword the Rule "Banishment" to read:-
9-0 Reached Quorum. Enacted by Orson, October 19
Enact a new Rule, "Audiences":-
Warlords may request Audiences with any Alliance for any number of reasons define by other rules - these must be made in the form of entries with a subject of "Audience with [Alliance]: [Subject]". The poster is known as the Petitioner.
Any Warlord in the relevant Alliance may respond to the Petitioner by posting the vote icon FOR, AGAINST, DEFERENTIAL or VETO in comments to that entry. If there exists more than one vote from a single Warlord on a single Audiance, only the most recent of those votes is counted. If a Warlord leaves their Alliance, their vote no longer counts for that Alliance's Audiences.
A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Leader. The vote will count as the same as the Leader's vote. The Leader itself cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Leader, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
A vote of VETO may be performed only by the Leader, and instantly denies the request.
If there are at least half (rounding up) as many FOR as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then the Audience is considered approved.
If there are at least half (rounding up) as many AGAINST as there are Warlords in the alliance, or if it is more than 48 hours old and less than half of its votes are FOR, then the Audience is considered rejected.
Reword Rule 12 (Joining Alliances) to read:-
At any time a Warlord may attempt to join an Alliance by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a subject of "Application".
If the Audience is approved, any Warlord may add the Petitioner to the relevant Alliance, once. If the Warlord was already in an Alliance, he or she loses 10 Reputation and all other members of the Alliance lose 5.
If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Reputation.
If "Banishment" passed, reword the Rule "Banishment" to read:-
At any time a Warlord may attempt to banish another Warlord from their own Alliance, by requesting an Audience with that Alliance, with a subject of "Banish [Warlord]".
If the Audience is approved, any Warlord may remove the victim from the Alliance, once. The victim loses 20 Reputation and remaining members of the Alliance lose 10.
If the Audience is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Reputation.

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