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Thursday, June 12, 2003

Proposal: Extra Points

[My last few attempts at a proposal of this sort were shot down, but I'm not going to quit trying. Hopefully this rule is specific enough to keep the non-existant, invisible "bad players" from taking advantage of a hole in a rule that could easily be fixed, once passed, by someone else wanting to make a proposal. Besides, I think a lot of us that have a diary-style blog have wished, after making our second post of the day, that we could be rewarded somehow for it (especially if it was a very good post).]

Change the last paragraph of Rule 9: Gold from:

"A Player may award themselves five Gold for the first entry they post to their weblog, for a given day (this Gold must be claimed within 12 hours of the entry being posted)."


"A Player may award themselves five Gold for the first entry they post to their weblog, for a given day (this Gold must be claimed within 12 hours of the entry being posted). A player may award themselves an extra two Gold for any following entries on a given day, up to three times (i.e. awards for up to four posts a day, or a total of 11 gold possible), provided the entry in question is at least a paragraph (five sentences long). Posts containing only online quizzes or pictures may not recieve points, unless there is also a paragraph in the entry. Any following posts after four may not recieve awards until the next day."

Failed by Geran, Tuesday the 17th, -2 Gold to Lyndse, 2 Gold to Geran (1 Gold to Royce)