Proposal : Market Forces
In Rule 26 (Farming), replace the sentence beginning "Once per week, the Emperor may alter these values" with:-
Once per week, the Grand Vizier may adjust these values as follows - if there is more Corn in existence than Sheep, then the Corn price decreases by one and the Sheep price increases by one; if there is more Sheep than Corn, then the opposite happens. Prices cannot drop below one.
Enacted by Kevan, Sunday the 27th, 10 Lead to Kevan.
In Rule 26 (Farming), replace the sentence beginning "Once per week, the Emperor may alter these values" with:-
Once per week, the Grand Vizier may adjust these values as follows - if there is more Corn in existence than Sheep, then the Corn price decreases by one and the Sheep price increases by one; if there is more Sheep than Corn, then the opposite happens. Prices cannot drop below one.

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