Proposal: Taxes
Create a new rule: Taxation.
The Emperor may levy taxes on his subjects. Taxes are effective from the time they appear in the sidebar, and may be updated no more than once a week by the Emperor.
The following taxes are permitted, but not required.
Income tax: The Emperor may take a percentage of any Lead his Subjects gain through agricultural pursuits.
Property tax: The Emperor may place a tax on farmland or livestock (indicated by Corn and Sheep.) This tax is set in a percentage amount, and the Emperor may claim it no more that once per week.
Tariff: The Emperor may take a percentage of any Lead, Corn, or Sheep that pass between his Subjects. (When taking Corn or Sheep, the Emperor receives the current Lead value.)
Any taxes dealing with Sheep or Corn use the current market value, and are rounded up to the nearest unit.
[we're going medieval here, and it would be fairly unrealistic without taxes. this can be balanced out by the revolution rule. i dare not over-tax my subjects, or i may face a revolution.]
Enacted by Kevan, Monday the 21st, 5 Lead to Geran, 5 Lead to Kevan.
Create a new rule: Taxation.
The Emperor may levy taxes on his subjects. Taxes are effective from the time they appear in the sidebar, and may be updated no more than once a week by the Emperor.
The following taxes are permitted, but not required.
Any taxes dealing with Sheep or Corn use the current market value, and are rounded up to the nearest unit.
[we're going medieval here, and it would be fairly unrealistic without taxes. this can be balanced out by the revolution rule. i dare not over-tax my subjects, or i may face a revolution.]

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