Proposal : Generic Transfer Applications
[ Combining the two transfer mechanisms, and fixing a loophole. ]
In Rule 20 (Career Options), remove both paragraphs beginning "A Citizen may apply" and replace them with:-
Enacted by Anthony, 9/13. +16 to Kevan, +5 to Anthony.
In Rule 20 (Career Options), remove both paragraphs beginning "A Citizen may apply" and replace them with:-
A Citizen may apply to be transferred to any Level within any sub-Branch, by posting to the BlogNomic weblog with such a request. This request may be stamped with a mark of Approval or Rejection by any Citizen of a Level higher than the requested Level (provided they are part of the requested sub-Branch, or a member of Government). If an application is legally stamped in favour, the Citizen is reassigned to the requested sub-Branch and Level.
There is currently a loophole by which a Citizen can ask to be promoted to Level 5 by a Level 2 superior, then have that superior ask to be promoted to Level 5 as well, and approve it. If this loophole has been exploited, any Citizens involved shall be demoted to Level 1 and sent to Prison.

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