Proposal : Ascension Repair [Trivial]
[ Just tidying up some messy leftover wording in Rule 18, and formalising the "Emperor"-specific powers to rename their own title, and that of the players and points, upon Ascension. (Which is effective how we've been playing it anyway, allowing the leader to pick their terminology.) ]
In Rule 18 (Dynasty), remove the text "or Empress (the two terms may be used interchangeably, although the Ruleset may be updated to reflect the gender of the new leader, at the dawn of a new Dynasty)," and replace "which that Robot has been Control Unit" with "which that Robot has been the Control Unit (or Control Unit equivalent)".
To Rule 19 (Ascension), add a new action:-
Enacted by Squirrel, 11th Oct.
In Rule 18 (Dynasty), remove the text "or Empress (the two terms may be used interchangeably, although the Ruleset may be updated to reflect the gender of the new leader, at the dawn of a new Dynasty)," and replace "which that Robot has been Control Unit" with "which that Robot has been the Control Unit (or Control Unit equivalent)".
To Rule 19 (Ascension), add a new action:-
* Replace any of the words "Robot", "Control Unit" and "Power" with new terms of their choice, throughout the Ruleset.

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