Proposal: Bondage
Enact a rule, entitled Bondsmen:
If Proposal: Magic passed, add to the bottom of Rule: Spells :
Failed by Mat, Jan 13; 11:05
It is rare for a magic user to get their hands dirty personally. Thus all Sorcerers may acquire, through magic or money, a small personal army of bondsmen. Powerful mgaics may also call Elementals; these Elementals are considered Bondsmen and are subject to the rules listed here.
Bondsmen are the standing army of a Sorcerer's Stronghold. There are various types of unit, and each unit has a different effect on the Army's capabilites. These capabilities are Speed, Power, Demolitions and Defense, and are tracked in the GNDT.
The Soldier: an Attack unit. Each Soldier gives the Sorcerer's army +1 to its Power.
The Horseman: a Cavalry unit. Each Horseman gives the Sorcerer's army +1 to Speed.
The Pikeman: a Defensive unit. Each Pikeman gives the Sorcerer's army +1 to Defense.
Sapper: a Destructions unit. Each Sapper gives the Sorcerer's army +1 to Demolitions.
If Proposal: Magic passed, add to the bottom of Rule: Spells :
5, any element
Upon casting this spell, add a GNDT entry reading Compel:DICE*4. You gain a number of Bondsmen equal to the result. They may be distributed through the various types of unit as you please.

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