Proposal: If I Can't Have It, Nobody Can [trivial]
If Rule: Gewgaws passes, append to it the following:
Trojan Crowbar
1 Earth, 2 Air, 10 Power
While in possession of a Trojan Crowbar, a Sorcerer may choose to Trap any Gewgaw he or she Crafts by paying extra Energy in addition to the Craft cost. These extra expenditures must be recorded in the GNDT as Craft costs at Craft time, but the Sorcerer need not declare that they are Trap costs.
If another Sorcerer gains possession of a Trapped Gewgaw, the Sorcerer who Crafted it may choose to Fire the Trap at any point within 24 hours after the second Sorcerer adds it to his or her inventory. Once a Trap has been fired, or when the 24 hours are up, the Gewgaw is no longer considered Trapped.
Note that the 24-hour period in which a Trap is active does not reset after additional transfers: if Sorcerer A Crafts a Trapped Gewgaw, Sorcerer B takes it from Sorcerer A, and Sorcerer C takes it from Sorcerer B two hours later, the Trap will still expire 24 hours after Sorcerer B first gained it. However, If the Sorcerer who Crafted the Trapped Gewgaw gains it again within 24 hours of its loss, and the Trap has not been Fired, the countdown is reset and will not be triggered unless another Sorcerer takes it again.
Only one type of Trap may be applied to any given Gewgaw. Traps are treated as Gewgaw effects that target and are produced by the Sorcerer holding the Trapped Gewgaw. The types of Traps are as follows:Dynamite Turkey
1 Earth, 1 Fire, 5 Power
When this Trap is fired, it destroys the Gewgaw to which it is attached and causes the Sorcerer holding it to lose 10 Power.
Invisible Thread
2 Air
When this Trap is Fired, it causes the Sorcerer holding it to lose the Gewgaw to which it is attached, the the Sorcerer who originally Crafted it to gain it back.
Contact Poison
1 Water, 5 Power
When this Trap is Fired, the Sorcerer holding the Gewgaw to which it is attached loses DICE*3 Power.

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