Proposal: What are you doing?
Add into Rule #15, if there is no Rule #15 make one.
Veto'd by Cayvie, 12/01/04. -5 to Keitalia, +2 to joranj
Hesch Syndrome (HS)
HS is simply a neurosis/paranoia syndrome that manifests itself in stages. Each stage is characterized by a level of Hesch. Each stage and its symptoms are a building block for the next unless indicated otherwise. Things are not affected by HS.
Here is a list of the known stages with the Hesch value that is associated and the known symptoms:
Mild Paranoia(1-5)
Intense Paranoia (6-9) - Nerves start to peak, you look behind your shoulder more often. "Are you following me?!"
Delusions(10-12) - You start to hear disembodied voices and noises. "What was that?!"
The Shakes(13-14) - Trembling, talk to yourself, your sense of security is gone, complete nervous breakdown. "I don't wanna die!"
Hallucinations(15-16) - See dark figures darting from you view. The voices become more frequent and intense. "Get out of my head!"
Full Blown Paranoia(17-18) - Can't trust anybody: "They're coming for me!" The Shakes and its symptoms are gone.
Rage(19-20) - Severe hatred, anxiety and a lack of self control. "Well if they're out to get me, I'll just have to get them first!"
Known forms of HS are:
The Shakes: The shakes become manifested when a lifeform reaches the Hesch of 15 to 16. This stage of the syndrome is characterized by the lifeform's inability to stop shaking, thus loosing a great deal of motor function. This makes it difficult for a lifeform to hit a target with a projectile weapon; -1 to all attacks with a projectile weapon. This syndrome has a strange tendency to dissipate during full blown paranoia. (Things are not affect by the The Shakes.)

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