Proposal: Ritual Warfare
This is a VERY long rule, I know, but I tried to cover every aspect
of the combat. It's purposefully slightly unbalanced through Attackers
(All things being equal - dice, trust factor, etc. - Defenders will
lose with a Defeat Ratio of 75%).
I know also that this rule doesn't create any means of actually
starting an Attack. That's also purposeful. I already have a rule ready
to be proposed creating means for Mass Attacking and Mass Defending -
through Audiences, but I will wait to see if this one passes.
Add a rule Ritual Warfare
If this Proposal passes, ShadowSliver shall receive 100% of the reward for its authoring, as his contributions were priceless for the issuing of this Proposal.
6-1 Reached Quorum. Enacted by Orson, October 20
of the combat. It's purposefully slightly unbalanced through Attackers
(All things being equal - dice, trust factor, etc. - Defenders will
lose with a Defeat Ratio of 75%).
I know also that this rule doesn't create any means of actually
starting an Attack. That's also purposeful. I already have a rule ready
to be proposed creating means for Mass Attacking and Mass Defending -
through Audiences, but I will wait to see if this one passes.
Add a rule Ritual Warfare
One or more Warlords may Attack another one if a rule, other than this one, permits them to do so. Said rule must specify the time the Attacks occurs, which Warlords are entitled to join the Attack and which one of them will be the Attack Coordinator.
If a Warlord is Attacked, he must Defend himself. If a rule permits more Warlords to join his Defense, said rule must specify which one of them will be the Defense Coordinator.
If only one Warlord is attacking and/or defending, that Warlord is considered as the corresponding Coordinator.
The Attack Coordinator is responsible to make all the calculations necessary to appoint the Results of the Combat. He shall publish the name of all Warlords involved in the combat and all steps of those calculations as a post to the Blog, with subject: “Combat Results: [Attack Coordinator Name] x [Defense Coordinator Name]” and shall update the GNDT to reflect the results of that Combat.
When appointing the Results of the Combat, the Attack Coordinator shall compute 2 figures: Combined Attacking Power and Combined Defending Power.
To compute Combined Attacking Power, the Attack Coordinator shall take all the following steps:
* Step 1: Total up the Offensive Power of all Attacking Warlords. This figure is the Raw Attacking Power;
* Step 2: Roll a dice, by making a GNDT entry reading “Attack DICE:”. This figure is the Attack Dice;
* Step 3: Add the Total Trust of every Attacking Warlord to this Dice. This figure is the Modified Attack Dice;
* Step 4: Divide the Modified Attack Dice by 3. This figure is the Attack Modifier.
* Step 5: Multiply the Raw Attacking Power by the Attack Modifier. This is the Combined Attacking Power
To compute Combined Defending Power, the Attack Coordinator shall take all the following steps:
* Step 1: Total up the Defensive Power of all Defending Warlords. This figure is the Raw Defending Power;
* Step 2: Roll a dice, by making a GNDT entry reading “Defend DICE:”. This figure is the Defend Dice;
* Step 3: Add the Total Trust of every Defending Warlord to this Dice. This figure is the Modified Defend Dice;
* Step 4: Divide the Modified Defend Dice by 4. This figure is the Defend Modifier.
* Step 5: Multiply the Raw Defending Power by the Defend Modifier. This is the Combined Defending Power
The side with greatest Combined Power shall be appointed the winner of the Combat. The Attack Coordinator shall then divide the Combined Power of the loser Side by the Combined Power of the winner Side. This figure is the Defeat Ratio.
After defining the Defeat Ratio, if the Attacking Side is the Winner, all defending Warlords’ Defensive Power shall be changed to its own value multiplied by the Defeat Ratio. If the Defending Side is the Winner, each attacking Warlord’s Offensive Power shall be changed to its own value multiplied by the Defeat Ratio.
Each Warlord in the Winner Side has it Reputation raised by the number of Warlords participating in the other side of the Combat.
If this Proposal passes, ShadowSliver shall receive 100% of the reward for its authoring, as his contributions were priceless for the issuing of this Proposal.

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