Proposal: Nomic within a Nomic
Create a Rule entitled Alliance Proposals:
The kind of thing I imagine in these rules; some sort of tax, a mutual defense clause, various rules for resolving spats. It would be neater if each alliance could have its own rules for Banishment and various voting rules for Alliances consolidated in these rules.
When I saw Alliance Rules cannot contradict normal rules, I just mean to say that they can't pass a rule that would give them 100000 thalers per day, put a Victory condition in their own Rules, or Rule that any proposal made by Alliance members automatically passes, crap like that.
What I say about Rules 5 and 6 applying to Alliance Proposals means that they do not count in the queue, nor can any other Warlord outside of the Alliance vote on them. It should be a nifty catch all.
Vetoed by Knightking for being exploitable - Failed by Chronos
Add a new Rule for any Alliance, entitled with the name of the Alliance.
Members of an alliance may vote to add, delete, or edit the rules for their Alliance, that apply only to their alliance. These rules cannot contradict any part of the rest of the ruleset. Rules 5 and 6 apply to the voting rules for Alliance Proposals, as if the only players of Blognomic were Alliance members. Exceptions to this:
If a Warlord wishs to propose an Alliance proposal, they must first have a post with the title: [Alliance Name] Alliance Proposal.
The kind of thing I imagine in these rules; some sort of tax, a mutual defense clause, various rules for resolving spats. It would be neater if each alliance could have its own rules for Banishment and various voting rules for Alliances consolidated in these rules.
When I saw Alliance Rules cannot contradict normal rules, I just mean to say that they can't pass a rule that would give them 100000 thalers per day, put a Victory condition in their own Rules, or Rule that any proposal made by Alliance members automatically passes, crap like that.
What I say about Rules 5 and 6 applying to Alliance Proposals means that they do not count in the queue, nor can any other Warlord outside of the Alliance vote on them. It should be a nifty catch all.

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