Proposal: Mmm
If Proposal: Shh does not pass, add a new rule, entitled Status, and add the following text:
Add the following text to the bottom of the new rule. If Proposal: Shh does pass, add the following to the Status rule.
Add the following spell to Rule 13, Spells:
Enacted by Mat Jan 16; 08:41
There are many status effects that can be inflicted on (or chosen by) a Sorcerer. Some of these are listed below:
Add the following text to the bottom of the new rule. If Proposal: Shh does pass, add the following to the Status rule.
Mute: If a Sorcerer becomes mute, they can no longer directly communicate except through telepathy. They may still propose, however, the only letter they can use is ‘m’. They may vote, and use the voting buttons, but again, any comments can only consist of the letter ‘m’.
If the Sorcerer wishes to impart some further information, then they must email it to another player, who may (or may not) then post a translation as a reply to the comment or a comment on the proposal. Note that this rule does not require the translation to be accurate or even relevant to the intentions of the mute Sorcerer.
A Sorcerer remains mute for the duration of the Dynasty or until another provision in the ruleset, allowing for its curing, is fulfilled.
Add the following spell to Rule 13, Spells:
15 Air, 12 Fire, 12 Water, 25 Power – gives -10 to Balance, can only be cast by those with -20 Balance or lower
Inflicts the status ailment ‘Mute’ on another Sorcerer.

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