Proposal: Opposites Attract (Trivial)
Add the following new spells to the spells list:
Add the following to the Gewgaws list:
Enacted by Kevan, 3rd Feb - timed out 2 votes to 0. Proposal has no effect, as Spells and Gewgaws no longer exist. +2 to Orkboi, +1 to Kevan.
Give and Take
2 Water, 2 Fire, 5 power
Destroy any one Gewgaw owned by target sorceror. That sorceror gains an amount of power equal to the number of energy points in that Gewgaw's crafting cost as listed in the Blognomic rules. Unique gewgaws may not be destroyed in this way.
Add the following to the Gewgaws list:
Enchanter's Crib
2 Air, 1 Earth, 10 power
Whenever the owner of Enchanter's Crib gains energy as part of their schooling, they gain 1 additional point of all energy strains they gain, but lose 1 point of all energy strains they do not gain. If Enchanter's Crib ever reduces the amount of en energy strain to zero, or that energy equals zero to begin with, Enchanter's Crib is destroyed.

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