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Sunday, January 25, 2004

Announcement: It's On

Let it be known hereby that the Glorious Theoscholastium of Air and Water does declare War, to begin at Midnight, Greenwich Mean Time, on January 26, 2004, against the Sovereign School of Air and Fire; the aforementioned War to last Twenty-Four Hours.

Let it further be known that any Sorcerers from that School who choose not to cast offensive Spells against the Holy Thaumic Warriors of Cloud in that time, but instead, to accede power to their new Magus peacefully, shall be admitted and welcomed as siblings in the Glorious Theoscholastium of Cloud, freely and without charge.

Let it be known, indeed, that Sorcerers from that Nation who choose to resist and who do attempt to harm the Holy Thaumic Warriors shall be declared Rebels, and ground under our Glorious Heel.

Let it be known that any Sorcerers from other Schools who aid any such Rebels shall be known as Conspirators, and had best watch their backs, as they are next.