Proposal: All the Nomic’s a stage…
Enact a rule named “Hey, y’all! Watch THIS!” that reads:
Passed 8 to 6 by Brendan at 6:19 am GMT on 5.9.2004. +10 to Ornithopter, +2 to Brendan.
All Players are performing before a large crowd of spectators.
Each player has an Audience representing how many spectators are concentrating their attention solely on them at any given time. A player’s approval rating is equal to their HatsOn times their Enjoyability (rounded down). Both Audience and Enjoyability are tracked in the GNDT.
A player’s Audience will always be an integer greater than zero. If the total Audience of all players would exceed 5000 at any time, all players’ Audience will be reduced equally until the total is again less than or equal to 5000.
Enjoyability may be any number greater than or equal to zero with no more than two decimal places. Certain techniques may alter the Enjoyability of the player performing them or of another player. As methods are devised, they should be appended to the end of this Rule in the following format:
Name of Technique. Cost: X
This Technique has certain effects, etc.

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