proposal: the dreaded dunce cap
Create a new rule, "the Dunce Cap", with the following text:
Add the following to the list of titles:
Failed 4 to 10 by Brendan at 2:49 pm GMT on 5.6.2004. -3 to Kahbn, +1 to Brendan.
At the cost of 20 hats, a player may place the Dunce cap on any other player by adding the text 'dunce cap: VOTE' to their wearing field, where 'VOTE' is either 'FOR', 'AGAINST', or 'IMPARTIAL'. That player is then given the title of "the dunce", to be denoted by a "%" by their name on the side bar. It is then assumed that the dunce has automatically cast their vote on any pending proposals according to the cap. If the dunce has already cast a vote for a pending proposal before having the dunce cap put on them, their pre-cap vote stands.
Any player may remove the dunce cap from the dunce for the cost of 5 hats, with the exception of the dunce and the player who placed the dunce cap on them. The player who placed the dunce cap onto the dunce may remove it for free. Once the dunce cap is removed, the player who was wearing it no longer holds the title of dunce, and may vote freely again. However, they may not change any votes cast while wearing the dunce cap.
Only one player may wear the dunce cap at a time. no one may place a dunce cap on anyone as long as there is a dunce.
Add the following to the list of titles:
%: the player with the percentage sign is known as the dunce.

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