Proposal: a use for wisdom
Create a new rule, "wisdom of the ages", with the following text:
I figured I may as well take advantage of having no hats, and therefore having nothing to lose.
Failed 2 to 9 by Brendan at 2:40 pm GMT on 5.6.2004. -3 to Kahbn, +1 to Brendan.
Those who have studied long and hard, meditated for years on the subject of life, or been lucky enough to pull an orange rabbit out of a hat possess Wisdom of the ages. This allows them to perform tasks thought to be impossible to unenlightened men.
A player who possesses "Wisdom of the ages" may, at the cost of three of their hats, increase any players balance rating by one. players may not decrease their hats below 5 by using this.
In addition, any player who possesses "Wisdom of the ages" may, at the cost of 1 off their balance rating, increase any player's hats by two. players may not decrease their balance rating below their HatsOn value by using this.
I figured I may as well take advantage of having no hats, and therefore having nothing to lose.

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