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Sunday, May 02, 2004

Bid For The Hatter

This all very confusing. Therefore, let it be known, that I (being a very Mad Hatter) do leave it up to the masses to whom the title of Mad Hatter belongs.

If Rule 15 under the second paragraph rings true... Then I should be awarded with Hatterdom. If not then oh well.
Cayvie can have it if he really wants it.

So let your opinions shine through my terrible foggy state of confusion by a vote of FOR or a vote of AGAINST. If AGAINST, then my bid is illegal, Rule 15 is misinterpreted and Cayvie will be bequeathed Hatterhood. If FOR, then things are well with the world of Nomic (at least as far as the Hatter is concerned) and I keep my ace of spades crowned glory.